Spa resorts in Czech Republic
Spa resorts in Italy
Spa resorts in Hungary
Spa resorts in Latvia
Guided tour of the Cenas tīrelis swamp trails
Excursion to Kemeri swamps.
Excursion on Lake Kaņieris.
The trail with bare feet with overcoming obstacles through the forest, two kilometers long.
Spa resorts
A wide range of hotels at great deals.
Choose your unique tour with our agents.
Ski holidays in France
Discover the magical world of Disneyland for yourself and your family.
Trust your flight to our airlines.
Book your favorite car, anywhere in the world.
Choose your insurance agency. Insurance for all occasions.
We visited a sanatorium in Karlovy Vary. The spa resorts offers a wide range of medical services. Excellent food, we all loved it.
I booked flights and was pleasantly surprised by the excellent service and affordable prices.
The kids are absolutely delighted and we adults recommend booking hotels in Disneyland and taking tickets to both parks, it’s worth it.
For questions related to individual tours, write to us by mail:, or call from 11h00 to 12h00 at +371 25128665
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